It’s Time to Abandon the Public Schools, by Phil Lawler

Pro-Gay Pontificate? by David Nussman 
October 7, 2021
The Ruth Institute: School Board Tries to Silence Parent Who Objects to Gay Porn
October 7, 2021

By Phil Lawler, Catholic Culture, Oct 06, 2021

Phil Lawler has been a Catholic journalist for more than 30 years. He has edited several Catholic magazines and written eight books. Founder of Catholic World News, he is the news director and lead analyst at


Are you a domestic terrorist?

Let me rephrase the question. Are you concerned about what your children are being taught in American public schools?

(If you have no children, or if your children are beyond school age, then where I say “your children,” think of your nephews and nieces, your grandchildren, your younger brothers and sisters—or for that matter your neighbors’ children. You may not have as much at stake as the parents of young schoolchildren, but we all have a stake in the future of our society.)

Do you want your children introduced to the varieties of sexual activity—all varieties—when they are not yet 10 years old?

Do you want them to wear masks all day, so that don’t develop a natural ability to read facial expressions? And to be pressured to take a vaccine that they don’t need, with unknown long-term side effects? …