Let’s Not Be Reasonable, by  Robert B. Greving

Preborn Protections, by Trey Blanton
May 3, 2021
CNA: Louisiana Diocese Ends Mask Requirement at Mass, but Bishop Advises ‘Continued Vigilance’
May 3, 2021

By Robert B. Greving, Crisis Magazine, May 3, 2021

Robert B. Greving teaches Latin and English grammar at The Heights School in Potomac, Maryland. Mr. Greving served five years in the U.S. Army J.A.G. Corps following his graduation from the Dickinson School of Law.

A good description of the devil
 is “one who comes along when I’m very tired and suggests something very reasonable that I know I shouldn’t do.” This came to mind when seeing the responses to the recent Vatican reiteration of the Church’s teaching on homosexual acts. Some dismissed it; some of us were pleasantly surprised. Many, however, who do not (necessarily?) want to change the teaching, once again expressed pique at the words “inherently disordered” to define homosexual tendencies.

Fr. James Martin, for example, wants to change “intrinsically disordered” to “differently ordered.” Cardinal Tobin of Newark, New Jersey, says the language in the Catechism is “very unfortunate” and “hurtful.” Even Archbishop Emeritus Chaput of Philadelphia has said the language “sets people off” and “isn’t useful.”  …

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