LIFENEWS.COM: After Pro-Life Advocates Pray at New Abortion Clinic, It Cancels Every Abortion Appointment

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BETHESDA, MD – A well-attended press conference and candlelight prayer vigil were held by pro-life activists at the Wildwood Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland, where abortionist LeRoy Carhart had planned to conduct late-term abortions beginning yesterday.

Members of a number of groups and churches gathered to share their concerns that the facility was unlicensed and would be operating illegally. (Watch video from the press conference.)

However, after it was reported by Operation Rescue on Friday, October 13, 2017, that Carhart had not obtained an abortion facility license as required by law, his office cancelled all abortion appointments set for yesterday.

At the end of the press conference, Lauren Handy of Mercy Missions DC, announced that all abortion appointments were cancelled.

Chelsea Soulder, Carhart’s clinic administrator at his Bellevue abortion business, was at the Bethesda office yesterday where she denied that any abortion appointments were cancelled when asked by reporters.

However, Operation Rescue has proof on file obtained from an ongoing undercover investigation that abortion appointments were indeed cancelled, and that Carhart’s plans to abort babies of “advanced gestation” have been thwarted for now.

Local pro-life groups also leafleted other businesses and concerned pro-life supporters from around the nation called the Aubinoe Management Company, which manages the office building, and asked that they cancel Carhart’s lease. [Its number is (301)986-9070.]

“Every day that abortions do not take place in Bethesda is a victory,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “We pray Carhart’s new late-term abortion business never opens.”

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Operation Rescue is grateful to all the wonderful people of Maryland and Washington D.C. who have worked tirelessly over the past few days to raise the alarm about Carhart’s illegal abortion plans. Those efforts will continue until Carhart is out of business in Maryland for good. Note: Cheryl Sullenger is a leader of Operation Rescue.