Live in the Moment Like the Little Flower, by Teresa Mull

Msgr. Charles Pope: God Can Use Anything, but He Shouldn’t Have to – A Homily for the 26th Sunday of the Year
October 2, 2023
Fr. Thomas G. Weinandy: Pope Francis and Schism Re-Visited
October 2, 2023


St. Thérèse of Lisieux reminds us that peace starts with a simple smile.

The modern world, for all our astounding technological advancements that purport to make our lives easier, more convenient and more connected, often feels like a complicated, chaotic place. We, as a nation, are experiencing higher rates of anxiety and depression and greater alienation than previous generations. Something has been lost. But what is it? And how do we get it back?

As I point out in my new book, Woke-Proof Your Life, the more our country abandons the Christian values and traditions America was founded upon, the worse our collective mental-health crisis becomes. Though this observation may be apparent to the faithful flock, what to do about it remains a daunting question for many. …

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