Patriot Post: In Brief: Inside the Omicron Fear Factory

Founder’s Quote
December 23, 2021
Disgraced Former Cdl. Theodore McCarrick Facing Criminal Charges, by Kristine Christlieb
December 23, 2021

By Patriot Post, Political Editors, Dec. 23, 2021

Public health chiefs and the media are working overtime to gin up hysteria.

We’re not far from the two-year mark for the coronavirus pandemic. But there are many powerful Americans who just won’t let us return to normal. Heather Mac Donald of the Manhattan Institute says enough is enough.

In March 2020, a profile of the typical Covid victim emerged from Italy. The average decedent was eighty years old, with approximately three comorbidities such as heart disease, obesity or diabetes. The young had little to worry about; the survival rate for the vast majority of the population was well over 99 percent. …

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