Pro-Gay Pontificate? by David Nussman 

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By David Nussman, Church Militant, October 6, 2021

Striking headline from Fr. James Martin



A notorious pro-gay cleric is up to his usual tricks. Jesuit Fr. James Martin has a reputation of sidestepping Church teaching on chastity in the name of being inclusive. Church Militant’s David Nussman gives the details on Martin’s bold claim about the Francis pontificate.

“Pope Francis has been a sea change for Catholic LGBTQ ministry,” according to pro-gay Fr. James Martin. In Friday’s op-ed, Fr. Martin references his meeting with the pontiff two years ago. He claims, “During that meeting, the Holy Father asked me to continue my ministry ‘in peace.'”

Martin’s article lists comments and decisions the Holy Father has made that could be perceived as pro-gay. The Jesuit priest is a well-known speaker and media consultant to the Vatican. …

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