Seeing the Church and World as They Are, Short of Heaven, by Dr. Jeff Mirus

The Merciful Act of Excommunication, by Regis Nicoll
October 23, 2021
Our Times are Marked by Lies, by Jennifer Hartline
October 23, 2021

By Dr. Jeff Mirus, Catholic Culture, Oct 22, 2021

Jeffrey Mirus holds a Ph.D. in intellectual history from Princeton University. A co-founder of Christendom College, he also pioneered Catholic Internet services. He is the founder of Trinity Communications and

Sometimes we catch an unconfused glimpse of reality here on earth, though I admit this is rare. For example, an occasional news story, appearing at precisely the right moment, can speak volumes about the state of the world. Usually we find this in accounts of unprecedented evils which are not even recognized as evils by those doing the reporting. But occasionally a clear-headed report actually rises to the top. Sometimes the impact is subtle; sometimes not.

For example, a friend called my attention to The Daily Wire’s report on Vladimir Putin’s warnings about how “wokeness” is destroying the West. Certainly Putin, who is the President of Russia, has no love for the West and every psychological reason to be critical. But what is so fascinating is that he compares Western “wokeness” to Communist ideology. …

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