By Austin Ruse, Crisis Magazine, April, 2022
Austin Ruse is a contributing editor to Crisis Magazine. His latest book, Under Siege: No Finer Time to be a Faithful Catholic, is now available from Crisis Publications.
God bless Ron DeSantis. He has smoked out the groomers. What we have learned from the “Don’t Say Gay” Bill is that the gays want to say and say and say and say and say.
The love that dares not speak its name simply cannot shut up. And what we have known all along is that they are eager to groom the little ones. The San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus actually sang that they are coming for our children. And now they are having hissy fits that their grooming must stop, at least in Florida and at least among the littlest ones. If you have seen some recent TikToks, the groomers do not intend to stop.
We salute DeSantis and his colleagues. …