The Origins of Woke Madness, by Jonathan B. Coe

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By Jonathan B. Coe, Crisis Magazine, March 3, 2021

Jonathan B. Coe writes from the Pacific Northwest. Before being received into the Catholic Church in 2004, he served in pastoral ministry in rural Alaska and in campus ministry at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis.

Jonathan B. Coe

It should be clear by now that truth is not a Woke value. Those on the far-left side of the political spectrum have made certain claims in recent years, including: maintaining slavery was the primary reason for the founding of our nation; innocent, unarmed blacks are being shot down by police with impunity in great numbers all across America; because of systemic racism, people of color have little chance of escaping poverty and achieving a middle-class lifestyle in the U.S.; and, because of sexism and glass ceilings, women face limited opportunities in the workplace.

Several other claims could be furnished. The four assertions listed above, however, are easily debunked: see hereherehere, and here. Apparently, the Woke mob didn’t get the memo from the late Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan: “You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts.”  …

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