The Satanic Roots of Abortion: Just Another Form of Rebellion, by John Zmirak

Washington DC is Leading the US Catholic Revival, by Franziska Harter
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Daily Scripture Reading and Meditation: The Master Will Settle His Account with Them
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David Daleiden. Only attribution found LifeNews.

By John Zmirak, The Stream, August 30, 2024

Originally published September 2, 2015

John Zmirak is a senior editor at The Stream and author or coauthor of 10 books, including The Politically Incorrect Guide to Immigration and The Politically Incorrect Guide to Catholicism. His newest book is No Second Amendment, No First.


Margaret Sanger made the Marquis de Sade’s Gnostic vision a grim reality.

Several years ago, we learned from an explosive exposé of Planned Parenthood and its organ-trafficking partners that some of the pregnancies which they ended were so far along that the children whose body parts they harvested were nearly or fully viable at the time they were killed. As one of the profiteers in the ninth video of David Daleiden’s earth-shaking series admits, she witnessed procedures during which the “fetus was already in the vaginal canal. Whenever we put her in the stirrups, it just fell out.”

O unhappy fall! Those children fell out of the womb, not into life but unto a death that was not profitless, thanks to Planned Parenthood and its allies — who finally answered Jesus’s ancient question: “For what will it profit someone to gain the whole world and yet lose his life?” (Mark 8:36 CSB). Now we know the answer: “$340 per second-trimester fetal tissue specimen.” ….

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