The greatest border crisis in U.S. history grinds on, with an estimated 8 to 10 million illegal foreign nationals entering the country since Joe Biden became president in 2021 and stopped enforcing border security. As hundreds of thousands are offered federal benefits, asylum, or Social Security numbers for work permits, what are the chances they will flow onto voter rolls illegally ahead of the 2024 election?

An accountant’s answer might apply: Highly likely; it also depends.

It is up to states to remove ineligible voters from registration lists by going back to the root of the illegal registration: their departments of motor vehicles (DMV). Since it was enacted in 1993, the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA), “Motor Voter,” has expanded voter registration by integrating it with driver license issuance. It also created a cascade of noncitizens flowing onto voter rolls. ….

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