What Attracts Homosexuals to the Priesthood? by Francis Magister

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Josh Applegate. Unsplash

By Francis Magister, Crisis Magazine, Dec. 12. 2023

Francis Magister is a pseudonym for a teacher at a Catholic school.


Why would a young homosexual man today, in a time of general acceptance of homosexuals in all walks of life, choose the priesthood?

About a month ago, in Crisis, Kevin Wells suggested that one cause for Bishop Strickland’s dismissal was the ire of other bishops at his raising the issue of homosexuality in the priesthood at the USCCB conference in 2018. Regardless of whether that was a cause for his dismissal, the issue—for some it is not a problem—of homosexuals in the priesthood is divisive.

Assuming, as I do, that there is an influential number of homosexuals, or those sympathetic to homosexuality, in the priesthood, I want to ask not so much how this has come to be but, more importantly, why it continues to be so. In other words, why would a young homosexual man today choose the priesthood? …

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