Why Jordan Peterson’s Surrender on Same-Sex “Marriage” Is Tragic, by John Horvat II

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[Image Credit: Jordan Peterson YouTube Channel screenshot]

By John Horvat II, Crisis Magazine, July 19, 2022

John Horvat II is vice president of the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property and the author of Return to Order.


Jordan Peterson is an enigmatic person. Ever since he suddenly appeared on the world stage as a teacher of responsibility, self-discipline, and political incorrectness, he has been controversial.

His tough-love rules for life won him the admiration of many young men who felt empowered by his message. The Left was enraged by his refusal to use assumed pronouns during his university classes. His caustic way of dealing with liberals and “wokism” made him an instant success among conservatives and gained him a large YouTube following all over the United States and Canada. …