By Charlie Butts, OneNewsNow, February 6, 2018
A movie examining the legalization of abortion in the United States will hit the big screen across America soon, but its success depends on one factor that is yet to be accomplished.
Hollywood producers are working with Alveda King, the niece of Martin Luther King, Jr., to focus the film on Roe v. Wade – the U.S. Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion 45 years ago. It will take a close look at its ramifications on America over decades past.
King, who will have a cameo role in the pro-life film, says that the movie starts with the history of abortion prior to the ruling.
“You meet Norma McCorvey, who is the “Roe” in Roe vs Wade – a young woman who had become pregnant – and she was trying to seek some advice and help,” shared King, who serves as director of the Civil Rights Union for the Unborn at the pro-life organization, Priests for Life. “And she was targeted by the abortion industry [and] by the feminists [who said], ‘If we can get a poster child, we can push our agenda through.’”
McCorvey became that poster child, but later converted to Christianity and revealed how she was conned into becoming the front person for legalizing the termination of preborn children.
The abortion industry, which was yet to be birthed at the time, then conned the public.
“So, the misconception is [that] we have to have this safe, legal and rare procedure so that we can save lives of women,” King contended. “No – and that’s not true. It just takes more and more lives of babies, and abortion is bad for women. All of that will come out – all the lives and the half truths.”
King’s interpretation of the deception by the abortion industry will be the substance of the movie, but the film will only hit theaters if over $2 million in donations can be raised over the next few months to make the film a reality.
Over a thousand big screens have already committed to show the movie.