By Aaron Debusschere, Crisis Magazine, Feb. 23, 2022
Aaron Debusschere is a husband and father currently living in Quebec, Canada. He holds degrees in philosophy, education, and theology, and is currently a student of ecclesiology. …
I have been asked by several people now, Protestants and sedevacantists alike, how it is that I can remain so loyal to a Church that is run by corrupt and malicious men, by hirelings and wolves, who devour the flock as they pursue their own good instead of the good of all the Holy Church. It is certainly difficult living in such a time. I know as well as any that we can expect little support from our pastors as we fight for truth in the world, or that sending letters to one’s bishop with one’s concerns typically yields either no response or an occasional acknowledgement of receipt. It is very difficult to have any sort of dialogue with those in positions of authority, for any number of reasons, whether in the Church or out of it. It may be the case that the sheep hear the voice of the shepherd, but it is not the case that the shepherds hear the voice of the sheep. …