
February 17, 2023

Where the Hell Is Pothole Pete? by Douglas Andrews

By Douglas Andrews, Patriot Post - As for East Palestine, that’s where a Norfolk Southern train derailed back on February 3, apparently with 20 of its more than100 cars carrying carcinogenic vinyl chloride. The wreck caused these hazardous chemicals to spill into the ground and the subsequent “controlled burn” caused a gigantic plume of toxic smoke to rise into the air... Where was the nation’s transportation secretary during all this? Nowhere to be seen.
February 17, 2023

Weak Men Start Wars, and Strong Men Prevent Them, by Rob and Andrew

By Rob and Andrew, America Out Loud - During the four years, Donald Trump was president of the United States, not once did he get the country into a war with any of our adversaries. He didn’t even bring us to the brink of war with them... Albeit, many of Trump’s critics predicted and swore Trump would start a war with either Russia, China, Korea, or Iran, it simply didn’t happen. What did happen was peace through strength. Trump managed to keep rogue nations at bay and gain their respect and an understanding that if they acted against the United States, there would be a price to pay.
February 16, 2023

Shocking Cost of the Illegal Immigration Crisis on Americans, by Erin Dwinell

By Erin Dwinell, Daily Signal - As record numbers of illegal aliens continue to flood across our southern border, they are being dispersed into every congressional district in the country, making every state a border state... why do open-borders advocates ignore the enormous toll on Americans—on their wallets and in the overloaded emergency rooms, increased crime in their communities, and overcrowded classrooms for their children?
February 16, 2023

Inaugurated ‘Fraudulently’: Supremes to Look Again at 2020 Election Claims, by Bob Unruh

By Bob Unruh, World Net Daily - SCOTUS has decided to take another look at 2020 election-fraud claims, and it will only take four votes for the case to come under a full briefing and arguments schedule... A report from Just the News reveals the justices are to review a lawsuit charging that Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and others, including 291 members of the House and 94 senators "violated their oaths of office by refusing to investigate evidence of fraud in the 2020 election before certifying Biden as the winner."
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