Today’s Saint

July 8, 2024

Saints of the Day for July 8: Sts. Gregory Grassi and Companions

Franciscan Media - Christian missionaries have often gotten caught in the crossfire of wars against their own countries. When the governments of Britain, Germany, Russia, and France forced substantial territorial concessions from the Chinese in 1898, anti-foreign sentiment grew very strong among many Chinese people.
July 5, 2024

Saint of the Day for July 5: St. Anthony Zaccaria

Franciscan Media - At the same time that Martin Luther was attacking abuses in the Church, a reformation within the Church was already being attempted. Among the early movers of the Counter-Reformation was Anthony Zaccaria. His mother became a widow at 18, and devoted herself to the spiritual education of her son. ...
July 2, 2024

Saint of the Day for July 2: St. Oliver Plunkett

Franciscan Media - The name of today’s saint is especially familiar to the Irish and the English—and with good reason. The English martyred Oliver Plunkett for defending the faith in his native Ireland during a period of severe persecution... Born in County Meath in 1629, Oliver studied for the priesthood in Rome and was ordained there in 1654. ..
July 1, 2024

Saint of the Day for July 1: St. Junipero Serra

Franciscan Media - In 1776, when the American Revolution was beginning in the east, another part of the future United States was being born in California. That year a gray-robed Franciscan founded Mission San Juan Capistrano, now famous for its annually returning swallows. San Juan was the seventh of nine missions established under the direction of this indomitable Spaniard.

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