Today’s Saint

May 21, 2024

Saint of the Day for May 21: St. Cristóbal Magallanes and Companions

By Franciscan Media - Like Blessed Miguel Agustín Pro, SJ, Cristóbal and his 24 companion martyrs lived under a very anti-Catholic government in Mexico, one determined to weaken the Catholic faith of its people. Churches, schools, and seminaries were closed; foreign clergy were expelled. ...
May 20, 2024

Saint of the Day for May 20: St. Bernardine of Siena

Franciscan Media - Most of the saints suffer great personal opposition, even persecution. Bernardine, by contrast, seems more like a human dynamo who simply took on the needs of the world... He was the greatest preacher of his time, journeying across Italy, calming strife-torn cities ...
May 18, 2024

Saint of the Day for May 18: St. John I

Franciscan Media - Pope John I inherited the Arian heresy, which denied the divinity of Christ. Italy had been ruled for 30 years by an emperor who espoused the heresy, though he treated the empire’s Catholics with toleration. His policy changed at about the time the young John was elected pope.
May 17, 2024

Saint of the Day for May 17: St. Paschal Baylon

By Franciscan Media - In Paschal’s lifetime the Spanish empire in the New World was at the height of its power, though France and England were soon to reduce its influence. The 16th century has been called the Golden Age of the Church in Spain, for it gave birth to Ignatius of Loyola, Francis Xavier, Teresa of Avila, John of the Cross, Peter of Alcantara, Francis Solano, and Salvator of Horta.

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