
September 20, 2023

Trump Is Delusional To Think He Can Broker ‘Peace’ In The Abortion Debate, by John Daniel Davidson

By John Daniel Davidson, Sr. Editor, The Federalist - Former President Donald Trump apparently thinks he can bring “peace” to the abortion debate by negotiating a compromise between the pro-life and pro-abort sides, finding an acceptable gestational timeframe after which abortions would be banned by federal law... Trump said he would “come up with a number of weeks or months” that would “make people happy.”
September 19, 2023

Trump Calls Six-Week Abortion Ban ‘Terrible,’ Gets Slammed by Pro-Life Leaders, by Calvin Freiburger

By Calvin Freiburger, LifeSiteNews - Former President Donald Trump stunned pro-life former supporters over the weekend with a Meet the Press interview in which he repeatedly touted plans for an abortion compromise he hopes will put the issue “behind us,” repeatedly refused to say if he believes the preborn have constitutional rights, condemned state heartbeat laws as “terrible,” expressed indifference as to whether the issue is resolved at the state or federal level, and reiterated his insistence that pro-life laws need exceptions for rape and incest.
September 18, 2023

The Brew: Trump Calls Florida Heartbeat Bill a ‘Terrible Mistake.’ Mike Pence Talks War with Russia, by John Zmirak

By John Zmirak, The Stream - Whoever is advising President Trump on life issues needs to sit him down and explain something to him: You can’t “make everybody happy” and “get peace” on the abortion issue. Period. Not possible, or even desirable, since half the country is on Heaven’s side, and the other half sides with Hell. Trump spoke to this issue on Meet The Press, where he called Ron DeSantis’ signing of a “heartbeat bill” in Florida “a terrible thing and a terrible mistake.”... Abortion is either a basic human right, or the murder of a child.
September 18, 2023

Sr. Dede Byrne Laments Injustice of Pro-Lifers in Jail While Abortionist ‘Has a Free Pass to Kill Innocent Life’, by Louis Knuffke

By Louis Knuffke, LifeSiteNews - In a statement to LifeSiteNews, Sr. Dede wrote, I always believed that our judiciary system was set to say, ‘You are innocent till proven guilty.’ But what I have witnessed the last several weeks with Will Goodman, Lauren Handy, John Hinshaw, Heather Idoni, and Rosemary Geraghty, and now Joan Bell, Jean Marshall, and Jonathan Darnel is a total farce... I also thought in our judiciary system that part of presenting one’s case is to express the “why” of your action. But what I have witnessed is none of these things.
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