
December 18, 2024

Time for Justice for Pro-Life Prisoners and the DC 5, by Jamie Dangers

By Jamie Dangers, Daily Signal - Can you imagine being thrown in jail for peacefully protesting the deaths of babies in the womb? Well, you don’t have to, because it has happened... Today, the Left’s weaponization of a federal law called the FACE Act has led to exactly that, unjustly persecuting pro-life advocates who are its ideological opponents... But finally, after years of this form of persecution from the Biden-Harris administration, a much-needed airing will occur this week.
December 18, 2024

Joe Biden Threatens African Country, Will Deny $480 Million in Aid if It Doesn’t Legalize Abortion, by Elizabeth Troutman Mitchell

By Elizabeth Troutman Mitchell, LifeNews - The Biden administration is pressuring Sierra Leone to pass an unpopular pro-abortion bill before President-elect Donald Trump takes office, a former senior U.S. government official who has worked in the West African region told The Daily Signal... It is common knowledge among nongovernmental organizations, or NGOs, in Sierra Leone that a U.S. foreign aid agency called the Millennium Challenge Corporation is threatening to withhold hundreds of millions of dollars from a U.S. agreement with Sierra Leone unless the West African country’s parliament passes the bill decriminalizing abortion, the former government official said.
December 18, 2024

The Problem With Comfort and Joy, by Francis X. Maier

By Francis X. Maier, The Catholic Thing - Based on empirical data, those two words – comfort and joy – don’t even belong in the same sentence.  We live in the most materially advanced culture in history.  Even our poor are well-off by half the world’s standards.  Compared to other advanced nations, we’re also still (if too often tepidly) a “religious” people.  We have a wide range of liberties and opportunities.  Our lives are stuffed with emollients, distractions, mood lifters, painkillers, and comforts unimaginable just a century ago. And yet at the same time, U.S. rates of loneliness, porn usage, sexually transmitted disease, and suicide, along with gender dysphoria among young people, have all increased. 
December 18, 2024

The House Where It All Began (The Holy House of Loreto), by Regis Martin

By Regis Martin, Crisis Magazine - So, where would that leave the House of Loreto?... Just where the Muslims left it, presumably, having first destroyed the basilica surrounding it back in 1260, while allowing the Franciscans to maintain the house itself. The trouble with that analysis, however, is that it fails to account for the stark staring fact that there is no longer any evidence of there being such a house at all in a place called Nazareth. But there is such a house many hundreds of miles away in a place called Loreto, located along the Adriatic Coast of Italy, some four hours by train from Rome.
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