
February 12, 2019

Peter Kreeft: The Bible Leads Me to the Church

By Peter Kreeft, Catholic Exchange - All Christians trust the Bible, including (especially) the New Testament. But the Bible leads me to the Church... This happens in two ways. First, the Bible tells me that Christ established a Church and gave her His authority to teach in His name... So, the Bible sends me forward to the Church, from Christ to His Church as His invention. The Bible also sends me backward to the Church, for the Church is its cause.
February 8, 2019

Glenn T. Stanton: Manhood Is Not Natural

By Glenn T. Stanton, Public Discourse - Manhood is not natural, but it is essential. No society can endure if it does not harness male sexual energy and teach men to take care of the children they father and the women who bear them... Few would disagree that manhood is in crisis today.  Men are falling behind women in important measures of personal and social well-being.  This is well-documented in books such as Hannah Rosin's bluntly titled The End of Men.  In deeply consequential ways, they have become the weaker sex....
February 8, 2019

David Carlin: A New Creed?

By David Carlin, The Catholic Thing - It is an interesting fact that Christianity’s three most famous creedal statements, the Apostles Creed, the Nicene Creed, and the Athanasian Creed, contain no moral doctrines.  They contain metaphysical doctrines, e.g. the Trinity, the Incarnation, the Atonement; and what I suppose may be called historical-miraculous doctrines, e.g., the Virgin Birth, the Resurrection, the Ascension.
February 7, 2019

Hadley Arkes: The Rediscovery of the Born-Alive Act

By Hadley Arkes, The Catholic Thing - Of course, it could not be. The aim of that bill is to restore the penalties that had been stripped away from the original bill, the “Born-Alive Infants’ Protection Act of 2002.” That earlier bill sought to plant in the law this key premise: that a child who is born alive, surviving an abortion, has the same claim as any other human being to the protection of the law…

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