
July 19, 2017

Modern Idolatry: Rarely Confessed, or Even Considered

By Fr Robert McTeigue, SJ, Aleteia - There is an altar in the center of the human heart. The human heart cannot bear for that altar to be empty. If the living God is not on the altar, acknowledged, worshiped, loved and obeyed, some other god, a false god, some dead idol will be placed on the altar
July 19, 2017

Marriage – The Answer to the Rising Concern of Parentlessness

By Lynn Wardle, CNSNews - Parentlessness is a great problem of both domestic and global concern. Parents ideally are the father and mother of a child who have and exercise legal and social responsibility for children – to support, educate, love, nurture, and rear them as members of their family. Yet parentless or partial parentlessness is a persistent scourge of America and other affluent nations.
July 14, 2017

A Genderless Child?: When Ideology Becomes Abuse

By John Stonestreet, The Stream - I don’t think “abuse” is too strong a word for a mother who refuses to acknowledge the biological reality of her child’s sex, and to raise him or her in denial of such reality.
July 7, 2017

Don’t Wish Parishoners ‘Good Morning’ at the Start of Mass, Says Cardinal Tagle

By Staff Reporter, Catholic Herald - Priests should not wish their parishioners “Good morning” at the beginning of Mass, according to Archbishop Luis Antonio Cardinal Tagle of Manila… The words “The Lord be with you” are sufficient, he said.

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