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July 1, 2019

A Handful of Heretics in The Early Church, by David Torkington

By David Torkington, The Catholic Stand - “Whenever riches have increased, the essence of religion has decreased in the same proportion.”… These new Christians became more and more consumed with the lust for money, power and ambition and began to worship the God who would not deter them or put too many demands on them. In this climate, it would be far more acceptable to acknowledge that the founder of their religion was no more than a man, albeit a very great man, but not God.
June 29, 2019

PHOTO: Full List of Participants in Private Pre-Synod ‘Study-Meeting’ In Rome, by Diane Montagna

By Diane Montagna, LifeSiteNews - LifeSiteNews has obtained the list of participants in a private and unannounced Pre-Amazonian Synod “study-meeting,” held at a gated hilltop convent on the outskirts of Rome this week… A photograph of the full list of 30 participants, taken by this correspondent (see below), confirms that the three-day meeting included key German prelates and Vatican officials, some of whom support a relaxing in priestly celibacy in the Latin Church, and the idea of women priests.
June 28, 2019

4 Years On, ‘Marriage Equality’ Slogan Still Doesn’t Add Up, by Ryan T. Anderson

By Ryan T. Anderson, Ph.D., The Stream - Most everyone in America was and is in favor of marriage equality. Most everyone was and is in favor of marriage equality because most everyone wants the law to treat all marriages equally… The debate in the United States in the decade and a half before Obergefell v. Hodges wasn’t about equality. It was about marriage. We disagreed about what marriage is… Before you can get to considerations of equal protection of the law, you have to know what it is the law is trying to protect equally… Every law makes distinctions. Equality before the law protects citizens from arbitrary distinctions, from laws that treat them differently for no good reason.
June 28, 2019

Founder’s Quote

“The same prudence which in private life would forbid our paying our own money for unexplained projects, forbids it in the dispensation of the public moneys.” […]

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