
June 8, 2019

It’s Happening: People are Canceling Netflix and Disney—and the Revenue Losses Are Growing by the Hour, by Megan Fox

By Megan Fox, PJ Media - Streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, and Disney Plus never waste an opportunity to tell the American public living in red states how much they hate them. From Netflix showing movies that could meet the legal definition of sexual assault of children to making cartoons about babies in drag (while ignoring customer concerns) to Disney's CEO complaining about Alabama abortion laws, people are sick of their entertainment companies pushing a hard-left agenda… Now these services are not only going after conservative values but are actively trying to harm conservative states, reports Fox News.
June 8, 2019

WANTED: The Good Guys, by Elizabeth A. Mitchell

By Elizabeth A. Mitchell, The Catholic Thing - While I was recently reading The Tale of Troy with my fifth-grade class, a hand shot up from the back of the classroom. The student wanted, desperately, to know, “Who are the good guys?... ”Knowing who was winning did not matter to this young man… In that cry for clarity, I saw once again how the human heart has an innate need to know who the good guys are. It helps to keep us grounded. It strengthens us. We can endure suffering, if we recognize the forces of good, why they fight, and the moral ground on which they stand or fall.
June 8, 2019

Mexico Steps Up Illegal Immigration Enforcement After Trump’s Tariff Threat, by Jason Hopkins

By Jason Hopkins, Daily Caller - The Mexican government is showing signs of increased illegal immigration enforcement and cooperation with their U.S. counterparts following President Donald Trump’s tariff threats… Around 200 Mexican law enforcement officials blocked a U.S.-bound caravan Wednesday. The caravan, made up of about 1,000 Central American migrants, was heading north on a highway near the town of Metapa. Mexican police and immigration agents even went so far as to wrestle some of the migrants to the ground when they refused to comply…
June 6, 2019

“Non Serviam”: The Deadly Sin of Pride, by Anthony S. Layne

By Anthony S. Layne, Catholic Stand - “Pride — it gets ’em every time,” chortles Satan (Al Pacino) at the end of the 1997 film The Devil’s Advocate. Indeed, it does; of all the seven capital (“deadly”) sins, Superbia is the most flexible and the most elusive, attacking us in ways we hardly recognize… Pride could be called “the sin of taking yourself too seriously.” Chesterton quipped that “Angels can fly because they can take themselves lightly,” while “Satan fell by the force of gravity.”

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