
January 22, 2020

Pope Francis Hopes to Anoint a New Economic Model, by Henry Tricks

By Henry Tricks, The Economist - It is here, in March 2020, that Pope Francis will host a gathering of students, academics and socially conscious entrepreneurs. They will draw up what the dark-robed friars of Assisi’s Sacred Convent hope will be a magna carta for a new type of economy: one that reproduces the small-scale market economy and social harmony of Assisi. “The economy of Francesco” will be named in homage to the nature-loving saint… The explicit aim is to find more sustainable ways of living that ease the burden on the poor, via the development of a “circular economy” in which all benefit, including the planet. The implicit one is to explore alternatives to the free-market capitalist system—even if that model has helped lift swathes of humanity out of poverty.
January 15, 2020

A Call to Arms, by Matthew Schmitz

By Matthew Schmitz, First Things - Benedict and Sarah consider it their “sacred duty to recall the truth about the Catholic priesthood. For through it, the whole beauty of the Church is being called into question.” This solemn duty extends to all Christians. “It is urgent and necessary for everyone—bishops, priests and lay people—to stop letting themselves be intimidated by the wrong-headed pleas, the theatrical productions, the diabolical lies and the fashionable errors that try to put down priestly celibacy,” they write. “Let us speak up boldly to profess the faith without fear of being uncharitable.”
January 11, 2020

Pope’s ‘Global Education’ Sparks Concern, by David Nussman  

By David Nussman, Church Militant - Faithful Catholics are increasingly troubled by a Vatican event coming up in May, where world leaders and young people will meet with Pope Francis to forge a so-called Global Education Alliance… When the Pope announced plans for the education meeting last September, he said the purpose is to foster peace around the world, and raise concern about the environment… Pope Francis: "We need a global compact on education, aimed at developing a new universal solidarity and a new humanism."
January 9, 2020

Post-Christendom and the Return of Paganism in the West, by Solène Tadié

By Solène Tadié, National Catholic Register - The first post-Christian generation has officially emerged in America: According to a 2018 study, a majority of the so-called Generation Z — all Americans born from 1999 to 2015 — rejects the idea of a religious identity. This generation includes twice more atheists than the adult population, and 37% of them believe there cannot be any certainty of the existence of God… This alarming tendency is already widespread in Europe, where a majority of young adults have no faith, as a recent report showed.

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