
January 31, 2022

Fr. Ezra Sullivan: Dominican Moral Theologian: Why Vaccine Mandates Are Unreasonable

By Fr Ezra Sullivan OP, Posted by Edward Pentin - First, a basic principle of morally sound medical care is “informed consent.” No one should be coerced to receive experimental medical procedures or treatments. Vaccine mandates violate this basic principle by placing heavy burdens upon people to receive the mRNA vaccines, which are undoubtedly experimental because of their newness and very short-term track record, with unknown long-term effects.
January 27, 2022

Ukraine and the Western Conscience, by Francis X. Maier

By Francis X. Maier, The Catholic Thing - Various voices on the American right – Tucker Carlson, Elbridge Colby, and others – have recently argued that risking war with Russia over its bullying of Ukraine is a bad idea. They note that Ukraine is not vital to our security. That the real threat to our nation is China, not Russia... We have a record of involving ourselves in wars that drag on fruitlessly, they argue.
January 19, 2022

Fulton J. Sheen’s Lessons on Love & the Greatest Commandment, By Al Smith

By Al Smith, Catholic Exchange - Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen was a man for all seasons. Over his lifetime, he spent himself for souls, transforming lives with the clear teaching of the truths of Christ and His Church through his books, radio addresses, lectures, television series, and his many newspaper columns... As a much sought-after lecturer, his topics ranged from the social concerns of the day to matters of faith and morals. With an easy and personable manner ...
January 19, 2022

New Research Suggests COVID Was Less Deadly Than Thought in First Year of Pandemic, by Greg Piper

By Greg Piper, Just the News - COVID-19 was less lethal across nearly every age group in its first full year than previously thought, according to an updated review of global research from Stanford University's Meta-Research Innovation Center (METRIC)... The risk-benefit ratio of vaccine boosters is also under scrutiny ...

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