
June 3, 2022

Americans Defend Themselves With Guns, by Brian Mark Weber

By Brian Mark Weber, Patriot Post - Over the years, Democrats have created a more dangerous American society by easing sentencing guidelines, allowing military-age foreign nationals to surge across the southern border, and pushing to defund the police. All while they’re telling us we don’t have a Second Amendment right to protect ourselves... For now, it seems like the American people aren’t buying it. And maybe that’s why Biden and the Democrats are so desperate to use the deaths of children to push for more gun control.
June 3, 2022

What the New World Order Will Look Like, by Wallace Garneau

By Wallace Garneau, America Out Loud - Freedom and liberty are not on the table, and neither is dissent. Joe Biden may have put his Disinformation Board on hold – but he did not kill the idea entirely. The Ministry of Truth will be making a comeback. Also, note that the government has openly admitted working with Twitter (pre-Musk) and Facebook to censor content, which is a pretty clear indication that the government decided Joe Biden would be President at some point prior to November 2020.
June 3, 2022

New York Legislature Passes Bill to Investigate Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers for Not Doing Abortions, by Calvin Freiburger

By Calvin Freiburger, LifeSiteNews - The New York legislature passed legislation that will effectively empower the state to investigate pro-life pregnancy centers for not offering abortions, effectively punishing them for their reason for existence... “This bill weaponizes the power of government against groups whose only wrong is that they disagree with the political positions of the powerful”
June 3, 2022

It Took Two British Civil Wars to Plant the Seeds of American Liberty, by John Zmirak

By John Zmirak, The Stream - In the previous installment of this series, I gave the historical and religious background of the English Civil War — which planted the seeds of every significant institution that would take root in American soil. As we noted before, there were many concrete issues at stake in the struggle between the Crown and Parliament.
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