
June 8, 2019

Canada Conjoins Euthanasia and Organ Harvesting, by Wesley J. Smith

By Wesley J. Smith, American Spectator - How do you convince society to embrace euthanasia as a means of attaining utilitarian benefit — while also convincing yourselves that your culture remains both moral and compassionate? Once you get past the squeamishness of allowing doctors to kill patients, it isn’t that difficult: First, legalize euthanasia of the seriously ill and disabled. Once the community becomes comfortable with doctors committing homicide as a means of eliminating suffering, you next allow those who want to be killed to donate their organs. After all, they won’t need their livers anymore, so why not let others have them?
June 8, 2019

Why So Many Mass Shootings? Ask the Right Questions and You Might Find Out, by Dennis Prager

Given the same ubiquity of guns, wouldn’t the most productive question be what, if anything, has changed since the 1960s and ‘70s? Of course it would. And a great deal has changed. America is much more ethnically diverse, much less religious. Boys have far fewer male role models in their lives. Fewer men marry, and normal boy behavior is largely held in contempt by their feminist teachers, principals and therapists. Do any or all of those factors matter more than the availability of guns?
June 8, 2019

Susan B. Anthony List President: ‘Abortion Extremists Are Giving Us an Unlikely Gift’

By Melanie Arter, CNSNews - Abortion extremists are giving us an unlikely gift,” Susan B. Anthony List President SBA List President Marjorie Dannenfelser told the audience at the group’s 2019 Campaign for Life Gala Wednesday night… By pushing for abortion on demand up to and after birth, they have “unleashed a tidal wave of pro-life momentum,” which led to the advancement of pro-life bills in states like Alabama, Missouri, and more, Dannenfelser said… “Going into 2020, abortion extremists are giving us an unlikely gift. They know the Roe regime is rapidly unwinding and coming to an end. They are overreaching,” she said.
June 8, 2019

Msgr. Charles Pope: Anxiety and Its Remedies, as Seen in a Commercial

By Msgr. Charles Pope - Despite all our time-saving devices and other modern conveniences, stress is still widespread in this modern age. We always seem to be in a hurry and worried over one thing or another. There appear to be two main sources of this near-constant anxiety… First, we hold to the illusion that we are in control… A second source of our stress is that we want too much. This consumer age promises us more and more, but never mentions the bill… In the commercial below, a stressed-out man is reminded by a co-worker that he does not have to tackle life alone; others can help.
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