
June 15, 2023

On Dodgers and Drag Queens, by Michael Warsaw

By Michael Warsaw, EWTN News - After the Dodgers reinvited an anti-Catholic drag group to their ‘Pride Night,’ Catholics must respond with something stronger than boycotts... The controversy has been centered for some weeks now on the Dodgers’ June 16 celebration of “Pride Night.”... The existence of such Pride Nights and other celebrations of LGBTQ activities and agendas is profoundly flawed, as the Church makes clear via its teachings about the truth and meaning of human sexuality.
June 15, 2023

Criminals for the Gospel of Life, by Dr. Monica Miller 

By Dr. Monica Miller, Crisis Magazine - Just last month I concluded a 45-day jail term at the Oakland County Jail in Pontiac, Michigan, out of which I served thirty-four days. On March 31st, I was booked into cellblock F1. One of the first things I wanted to do, which is the case with most inmates, was make “contact” with the “outside world.” So, I took a seat in a line of chairs to make a phone call on one of four phones available for sixty-four prisoners.
June 15, 2023

Governor Greg Abbott Signs Bill to Stop 10-Day Rule That Could Euthanize Patients, by Kimberlyn Schwartz 

By Kimberlyn Schwartz, LifeNews - Governor Greg Abbott signed a bill Wednesday improving protections for hospital patients and reforming the deadly Texas 10-Day Rule... Pro-Life Texans celebrate this great step forward yet recognize the work ahead to repeal the provisions of state law that still allow hospital committees to take away life-and-death decisions from patients and families... Current Texas law allows hospitals to remove patients’ life-sustaining treatment against their will with only 10 days’ notice ...
June 14, 2023

A Pregnancy Care Center Helped Me Become A Mom And Follower Of Jesus, by Anonymous

By Anonymous, The Federalist - The mere thought of bringing a new life into this messy situation at my age was more than I could bear — or so I thought... If someone had told me just four short years ago that my life would be marked by more blessings than I could count, I would have looked at them with complete incredulity. I never dreamed I could be surrounded by the warm love and happiness I experience today... It was all made possible by my unexpected pregnancy and a community that empowered me to take on the mission of motherhood.
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