
July 6, 2018

On Slavery, No Compromise Was Possible. The Same Goes for Roe v Wade

By Matthew Schmitz, Catholic Herald - US abortion law is based on a great lie. But the new Supreme Court Justice could help to strike it down... Since Roe v Wade was unjustly decided in 1973, American law has approved the killing of 60 million children. At present rates we kill 926,190 each year, 2,537 each day, 105 each hour. Because our law teaches contempt for life, these dead have gone largely unnamed, unburied and unmourned.
July 5, 2018

As Justice Kennedy Departs, US Pro-Lifers Sense This Could Be Their Moment

By Michael Davis, Catholic Herald - Last week, Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy announced his retirement. That means President Donald Trump will be able to appoint yet another justice to the Court, which will no doubt inflame his critics even further. Setting the circus of partisan politics aside, what does Kennedy’s departure mean for the American people?
July 5, 2018

Of Course It’s About Abortion!

By Liberty McArtor, The Stream - But for the left, abortion is what drives their opposition to anyone Mr. Trump nominates… People of the left are not speaking or writing or demonstrating about property rights, the Second Amendment, public financing of elections, racial issues, voting rights, religious liberty, or other hot issues. Overwhelmingly, it’s about abortion.
July 3, 2018

Trump Adviser ‘Amazed’ at How the Left ‘Boils Every Single Thing…Down to One Issue, Abortion’

By Susan Jones, CNSNews - Presidential adviser Kellyanne Conway said she guarantees that Donald Trump's next Supreme Court pick "will be somebody who has fidelity to the Constitution" and "doesn't make up the law as they go along -- in fact, doesn't make up the law at all."
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