
January 3, 2018

Planned Parenthood: We Did 321,384 Abortions; Got $543,700,000.00 in Tax Dollars

By Terence P. Jeffrey, CNSNews - Planned Parenthood says its affiliates did 321,384 abortions in the fiscal year that ended on Sept. 30, 2016, according to its newly released 2016-2017 annual report... In the same report, Planned Parenthood says its affiliates received $543.7 million in payments from government—“Government Health Services Reimbursements & Grants”
January 3, 2018

The Highest Political Priority for 2018

By Rob Schwarzwalder, The Stream - There are many public policy issues, foreign and domestic, that should burden the hearts of Christians... But here at home, there’s none more important than the ongoing destruction of unborn life... Nothing is more brutal or final than killing... The sheer number of abortions in our country make ending abortion-on-demand the most urgent moral need of our time.
January 3, 2018

New “SofTouch” Device Kills Babies in Abortions in a Matter of Minutes

BY MICAIAH BILGER, LIFENEWS - A New York City abortion clinic is advertising a new abortion device to gently and naturally kill babies in the womb... The SofTouch device is a manual vacuum aspiration machine that aborts unborn babies by sucking them out of the womb. It was developed by a Harvard-trained physician named Joan Fleischman, according to the Early Options abortion facility.
January 2, 2018

Rep. Trent Franks’ Scandal Exposes Corrupting Effects of Surrogacy

By Peter Jesserer Smith, National Catholic Register - After a 15-year career in Congress, Rep. Trent Franks, R-Ariz., resigned his seat amid credible accusations he tried to pressure two women on his congressional staff into becoming surrogate mothers for his unborn children... The prominent pro-life politician’s downfall highlights the insoluble moral problems associated with surrogacy and in-vitro fertilization procedures that the Catholic Church has pointed out
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