
January 28, 2019

New York’s Not Alone: Here’s a List of States That Permit Abortion Up to Birth, by Lauretta Brown

By Lauretta Brown, Townhall - Many have been upset recently by New York’s new permissive abortion law that allows abortion “within 24 weeks from the commencement of pregnancy, or there is an absence of fetal viability, or at any time when necessary to protect a patient's life or health.”... However, New York’s law is not as extreme as the policies in the following seven states that have no, or little, restrictions on abortion and allow abortion up until birth, according to the Guttmacher Institute, a pro-abortion research and policy group.
January 28, 2019

The Point: What the Pro-Abortion Movement Really Wants

By John Stonestreet &  G. Shane Morris, Breakpoint - To the sound of supporters chanting “free abortion on demand, we can do it, yes we can,” the New York legislature just passed the terribly named “Reproductive Health Act.” It’s the most radically pro-abortion state-level initiative in recent memory… The new law has nothing to do with health, and everything to do with death… Take note. The pro-choice movement just revealed its true face. It’s not about choice. It’s about glorifying, even idolizing, death as the path to a good life, with cult-like glee…
January 26, 2019

Dr. Michael Brown: New York Reveals Its Blood Lust for Baby Killing

By Dr. Michael Brown, The Stream - New York was already doing a fine job of slaughtering its unborn, especially its black babies. Why, then, did it need to pass a new, more extreme abortion law? And why did New York do this on the anniversary of Roe v. Wade? There’s one simple answer: blood lust.
January 26, 2019

New York’s New Abortion Law is Terrible. Just like Roe v. Wade

By Austin Ruse and Cathy Ruse, JD, The Stream - Pro-lifers are making a mistake by touting the new abortion law in New York state as anything drastically new… Roe v. Wade itself legalized abortion through all nine months of pregnancy… Most Americans have no idea how radical our national abortion law is. Why would they? A day after the Roe ruling, the headline in the New York Times read: “High Court Rules Abortions Legal the First 3 Months.” The original Fake News.
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