
June 19, 2018

Mike Huckabee: Where’s the Outrage Over Permanently Separating Families in Abortions?

By Micaiah Bilger, LifeNews - Political commentator Mike Huckabee addressed the latest immigration outrage Sunday by asking why there is not similar anger about the permanent separation of families through abortion... “I don’t like immigrant children being temporarily separated from parents, but where is outrage over PERMANENT separation of a child and mother when the baby is ripped apart in the mother’s womb by knives of abortionists?”
June 19, 2018

Fact Checking 4 Claims About Detaining Children at the Border

By Fred Lucas, Daily Signal - The Trump administration is taking heat from Democrats and Republicans for separating parents and children after they illegally crossed the southern border… Over the six weeks from April 19 through May 31, federal officials separated about 2,000 children from their families at the U.S.-Mexican border, the Associated Press reported last week… (Yesterday) Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen said: “This is a very serious issue that has resulted after years and years of Congress not taking action.”…
June 19, 2018

Donald Trump and the Inviolable Cause of Life

By Kathryn Jean Lopez, National Review - At the same time, we who call ourselves “pro-life” simply must consider what “pro-life” means in more complete and enduring ways than the midterm elections. It means telling the truth about abortion’s inhumanity — to all involved. But it also means inundating people with love. It’s out of love of life — a mother and child — and wanting to help families flourish that we are pro-life. And so, among other things, what more are we doing to help orphans?
June 18, 2018

Good Times Return, but Not Babies

By John Horvat II, Return to Order - There is an unwritten rule among those who watch the economy. When times are good, families have more babies. Across the board, the fertility rate of women of all ages goes up and the population is replenished. Young populations and prosperity are co-related and desired in healthy economies... However, that is not happening today. The Great Recession of 2008 is over, and the economy is booming. There is no lack of jobs for those who want them. There should be a baby boom that reflects this prosperity. However, the delivery room is ominously quieter.
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