
June 18, 2020

Black Man Silences #BlackLivesMatter Protesters By Asking: “Do Aborted Black Babies Matter?” (Video) by Micaiah Bilger

By Micaiah Bilger, LifeNews - A viral video of a Black Lives Matter protest is exposing the hypocrisy of a movement that claims to fight to protect black Americans... the video shows a black man confronting medical workers who gathered for a Black Lives Matter protest outside a hospital... In the short video, the man asks the medical workers, many in lab coats and scrubs, if “all black lives matter, or just some black lives.”... “All black lives matter,” the protesters respond... Seconds later, though, when he asks them about abortion, the protesters remain silent and look confused.
June 17, 2020

Joe Biden: “I’m Going to Do Everything in My Power” to Promote Abortion, by Steven Ertelt

By Steven Ertelt, LifeNews - Joe Biden received the enforcement of the Planned Parenthood abortion business today and he promoted the abortion giant afterwards, saying he would do everything possible as president to promote their pro-abortion agenda... “We will protect women’s constitutional right to choose, and I am proud to stand with you in this fight,” Biden added, using another euphemism for killing babies in abortions.
June 17, 2020

President Donald Trump Has Been a Pro-Life Champion, Here’s How, by Maria Gallagher

By Maria Gallagher, LifeNews - In a dramatic turn-around from the Obama Administration, President Trump and his Cabinet have initiated an agenda which makes pro-life policies a top priority... From filling the Administration with pro-life personnel to directing funding away from Planned Parenthood, the Trump Administration has pursued a consistent and unwavering dedication to ensuring the protection of preborn children and their mothers.
June 16, 2020

Fr. Shenan J. Boquet: George Floyd – All Lives Matter

By Fr. Shenan J. Boquet, Human Life International - A few days ago, in NY City, two black pro-life women were arrested on the sidewalk outside a Planned Parenthood facility. PP had called the police to report the women. When the police arrived, they ordered (them) to disperse, saying that they were violating Mayor Bill de Blasio’s social distancing orders. When they refused to leave, the women were arrested... The night before (the women's) arrest, NY City had been convulsed by yet another night of protesting, marred by widespread violence and looting. Thousands of people participated in these protests, congregating in tight spaces, often with absolutely no effort at preventing the spread of Covid-19.
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