
August 8, 2017

Sexual Liberation and the Emergence of Transhumanism

By Sean Haylock, Crisis Magazine - Sexual liberation and transhumanism share an anthropology. Both view the human person as an emergent phenomenon, and as something malleable. Both view the self as sovereign, the will as ultimately answerable to nothing other than its own prerogatives.
August 8, 2017

A Legal Argument in Support of Personhood

By Charlie Butts, - New legal arguments have surfaced defending the life of the preborn. The Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy has recently released an article supporting the idea that the Fourteenth Amendment protects children in the womb as constitutional persons. The paper – titled "Protecting Prenatal Persons: Does the Fourteenth Amendment Prohibit Abortion" – points out that corporations have the constitutional right to personhood.
August 7, 2017

Fr Richard Heilman: Can America Become the New Poland?

Fr Richard Heilman, Roman Catholic Man - I’m sure others can add to these, but I point to St. Faustina and the Divine Mercy devotion for our times and Pope Saint John Paul II’s gradual turning of the Barque of St. Peter which led to increased devotions, especially Marian devotion and Eucharistic Adoration, and John Paul II’s focus upon Divine Mercy.
August 7, 2017

HEALTH: The Pill Is Not Good for Women

By Erika Bachiochi & Catherine R. Pakaluk, Catholic Education Resource Center - For the past 50 years, the Pill has demonstrably assisted women — especially college-educated, career-minded women — in the timing of pregnancies and the delay of marriage. But the Pill also ushered in an era of unprecedented confidence that sex could be pursued without risk — most notably, outside of long-term committed relationships.
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