
August 25, 2017

It’s a Culture War, Stupid

By George Weigel, First Things, 8 . 22 . 17 - ...let me make this point abundantly clear: It was the express desire of both the patient and his spouse that the doctor treat the infection. This wish was ignored... Canada’s vulnerability to the culture of death is exacerbated by Canada’s single-payer, i.e. state-funded and state-run, health care system
August 25, 2017

NFL Player Ben Watson Slams Margaret Sanger as the “Ultimate” Racist, “She Wanted to Exterminate Blacks”

BY MICAIAH BILGER, LIFENEWS.COM - NFL star Ben Watson is one of those rare celebrities who speaks out for the lives of unborn babies… he believes abortion is “the ultimate form of racism.”… “I do know that blacks kind of represent a large portion of the abortions, and I do know that honestly the whole idea with Planned Parenthood and [founder Margaret] Sanger in the past was to exterminate blacks”…
August 24, 2017 Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz Has Closed 338 Clinics in Twenty Years. Here’s Its Desperate Next Move

OPINION BY JIM SEDLAK. LIFENEWS.COM - It is time, Planned Parenthood determined, for it to come down from the cloak rooms of Congress and state legislatures, and from the Hollywood parties, and actually converse with “ordinary people.” So it has announced plans to launch organizing efforts in its remaining 600 cities to desperately try to stem the tide.
August 23, 2017

Save the 8th: Irish Pro-lifers Counter Pro-Abortion Media With Grassroots Action

By Liberty McArtor, The Stream - Ireland will decide next year whether to nix their Constitution’s Eighth Amendment, which “acknowledges the right to life of the unborn.” The push for the referendum comes after a Citizens Assembly voted in favor of legalized abortion.
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