Catholic Church

October 28, 2020

When the Rich Cry Poverty, by Phil Lawler

By Phil Lawler, Catholic Culture - A truly hilarious comment appears in this NPR story about Catholic activism: Where conservative Catholics have the edge on more progressive Catholics is that they have set up networks and institutions that allow them to get together,” says Cathleen Kaveny, a theologian and legal scholar at Boston College who writes often on Catholic issues.
October 27, 2020

The Peril of Rendering to Caesar What Belongs to God, by Patti Armstrong

By Patti Armstrong, National Catholic Register - When John F. Kennedy became president in 1960, it seemed that Catholics had broken through the anti-Catholic barriers in this country that had been in place since the American Revolution and colonial times. But putting a Catholic in the White House turned out to be a bad thing for the Church. It began to redefine what being Catholic is supposed to mean in the greater culture.
October 27, 2020

Bishop Joseph Strickland: Morally Coherent Catholic Citizenship

By Bishop Joseph Strickland, Blog - The most important foundational teaching and principle of Catholic Social Teaching is that every human life is sacred from conception to natural death, because every man and woman is created in the Image of God. Further, there is a fundamental Right to Life, which is confirmed in the Natural Moral Law, the Sacred Scripture, and the unbroken Tradition of the Catholic Church.
October 27, 2020

“What It Means To Be Human”: A Review, by Michael Pakaluk

By Michael Pakaluk, The Catholic Thing - “The purpose of law is to protect and promote the flourishing of persons.  Accordingly, the richest understanding of the law is an anthropological one, obtained by inquiry into its underwriting premises about human identity and thriving.  In order to be fully wise, just, and humane, the means and ends of the law must correspond to the reality of human life, humanly lived.”
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