Catholic Church

October 24, 2017

St. Joseph and a Lesson in Obedience

By Jonathan Conrad, The Catholic Gentleman - There is something about our fallen nature that compels us to disobedience. Sometimes it’s full-blown, blatant disobedience. Other times it’s more subtle like our mom encouraging us to read a book that we just can’t find the time to read. We are all guilty of it…except one: St. Joseph
October 24, 2017

Can the Beatitudes Inspire Great Cinema? These Filmmakers Think So.

Catholic News Agency - Cinematic reflections on the Eight Beatitudes of the Sermon on the Mount will be the focus of a movie project that hopes to tap the power of beauty... “God works through beauty, and beauty is the most direct way to impact a person’s heart and present to them the Good News of the Gospel,” said Anthony D’Ambrosio, founder of the Catholic Creatives online community.
October 24, 2017

Enrich Your Prayer Life with the Contemplative Rosary

By Dan Burke & Connie Rossini, Catholic Exchange - Keep in mind this wise saying of Saint Teresa: “Do that which best stirs you to love.” If you have a favorite practice that helps make your recitation of the Rosary more contemplative, do not think you must change it just because Saint John Paul II gave different suggestions or because the meditations we offer in this article or in our book are different from the ones you have used before.
October 24, 2017

How England Became Protestant

By Father Dwight Longenecker, EWTN News - The popular understanding of the founding of the Church of England was that lusty old King Henry VIII wanted to marry his pretty little mistress. The Pope wouldn’t grant him a divorce, so Henry sent the Pope packing and founded his own Protestant church. Well, yes, but not really. Of course, it was all much more complicated than that.
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