Catholic Church

September 28, 2019

This Week: German Bishops Rush In, Where Americans Fear to Tread, by Phil Lawler

By Phil Lawler, Catholic Culture - Pope Francis asked them not to do it. Two top Vatican officials told them they would be violating canon law if they did it. But this week the German bishops decided to do it anyway. And some people say that the threat of schism comes from America?... Cardinal Reinhard Marx, the president of the German bishops’ conference, told his colleagues that the Pope had not given him any “stop sign” last week, when they met to discuss the German plans for a “binding synodal assembly.”
September 28, 2019

Here’s Why Democrats Refuse to Take a Stance Against Infanticide, by Maria Gallagher

By Maria Gallagher, LifeNews - A New York Times bestseller is shedding additional light on the bizarre refusal of Democratic public officials to combat infanticide… Radicals, Resistance, and Revenge by cable news commentator Judge Jeanine Pirro devotes an entire chapter to what she describes as “The Radicals’ Attack on Life Itself.”… Calling the legalization of infanticide “the worst cultural shift our country has ever witnessed,” Pirro discusses in-depth the killing of full-term babies following “botched” abortions.
September 28, 2019

Millennials Are Moving to the Suburbs. Parishes: Are You Ready? by L’Alto Catholic Institute

By L'Alto Catholic Institute - Yesterday, the Wall Street Journal had an article that unpacked some data which showed that, like generations before them, millennials are finally moving out of the big cities and settling down in the suburbs. The reason seems to do mainly with the search for affordable housing, and this exodus from big cities has led to suburbs being fourteen of the fifteen fastest growing cities in the U.S… As Catholics, especially those of us who are members or leaders of suburban parishes, we have to look at our communities and ask: are we ready for this? Are we ready to go out to, engage with, and evangelize these millennials?
September 27, 2019

Cdl. Burke: Revolution Is the Goal, by Bradley Eli

By Bradley Eli, M.Div., Ma.Th., Church Militant - Cardinal Raymond Burke is warning that the Amazon Synod isn't about local evangelization in the Amazon but about revolution in the whole Church… "The Synod is presented as being for the pastoral care of the people to be evangelized in the Amazon, but the German bishops state clearly that the goal is to revolutionize the whole Church," relates Burke. "Even the bishop of Essen, Monsignor Franz-Josef Overbeck, said very recently that after the Amazon Synod 'nothing will ever be the same again' in the Church."
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