Catholic Church

October 19, 2020

Voting for a Vision, Not a Person, by Michael Warsaw

By Michael Warsaw, EWTN News - Unsurprisingly, the traditional view of our country holds that the constitutional guarantees of religious freedom should be protected, that people of faith should not be discriminated against for their beliefs, and that all Americans, including those not yet born, have a God-given right to life — the first right listed in the Declaration of Independence... Under this vision, the Constitution is viewed as a well-crafted document that continues to serve the country effectively and should be interpreted as written — not adapted and changed to meet the fads or trends of the moment.
October 19, 2020

Our Knowledge Leads Us Back To God, by F.X. Cronin

By F.X. Cronin, Catholic Exchange - When it comes to God, knowing is everything. Just tell someone you believe in God and wait. The more direct people will ask you just how you know God exists. The more cautious or respectful may not be so direct, but their facial expression will ask the same question. “How do you know God exists?”...
October 19, 2020

AP: Archbishop Performs Exorcism to Cleanse Protest Site

Associated Press - The archbishop of San Francisco performed a short exorcism ceremony Saturday outside a Catholic church where protesters had earlier toppled a statue of Father Junipero Serra, saying the ceremony was intended to drive out evil and defend the image of Serra... Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone performed the ritual before some 150 supporters before holding a special Mass inside St. Raphael Catholic Church and an expected march to a Planned Parenthood clinic, the San Francisco Chronicle reported.
October 19, 2020

US Bishop: Voting for Biden Requires ‘Reason That Outweighs’ 860,000 Abortions, by Charles Robertson

By Charles Robertson, LifeSiteNews - Bishop Thomas Paprocki said that voting for pro-abortion Democrat Joe Biden in the upcoming election would require “a proportionately grave reason that outweighs the killing of 860,000 babies per year,” adding that even the death penalty is no such reason... In a follow-up to his recent video contrasting President Donald Trump’s pro-life record with his opponent’s pro-abortion stance, the bishop of Springfield, Illinois, attempted to answer the question, “Is it a sin to vote for Joe Biden?”
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