Catholic Church

February 26, 2022

Thirty Years a Catholic: Lessons Learned on the Path

By Eric Sammons, Crisis Magazine - In 1992 Pope John Paul II had just defeated Communism, and he was turning his prodigious talents toward fighting the Culture of Death. Over the next few years he would produce an immense corpus of papal writings touching on the great debates of the day, from Veritatis Splendor to Evangelium Vitae to Fides et Ratio. The level of his moral authority in the world was likely the most significant of any pope since the middle ages.
February 26, 2022

Invalid Sacraments, by Paul Murano  

By Paul Murano, Church Militant - In 2020 the Vatican's doctrinal office released a reminder that baptisms administered with improper form are invalid. Since then, at least two tragic stories of invalidity have emerged right here in the United States... In tonight's In-Depth Report, Church Militant's Paul Murano uncovers the confusion and looks at the charges of legalism.
February 25, 2022

Battles Everywhere, by Michael Voris

By Michael Voris, Church Militant - The entire world, it seems, is becoming increasingly aware of the great spiritual war — battles breaking out everywhere. And, given the reality that it is a spiritual war, what is especially noteworthy is the generals for the peasants have deserted them... Not always, but frequently throughout history, the Church has been on the side of the downtrodden, the poor, the peasants, the common man... Now, in almost every theater of the spiritual war there is, Church leaders have sided against the common man. The hierarchy has placed itself squarely on the wrong side of history, and that will have disastrous consequences.
February 25, 2022

It Is Good to Give Thanks, by Joannie Watson

By Joannie Watson, Integrated Catholic Life - “There is always a reason to give thanks. Some days, the reasons are harder to see. But every day, a choice faces us: to complain or to give thanks.”... While I was looking over the Sunday Mass readings for this upcoming eighth week in Ordinary Time, an unmistakable voice came to my mind as I read the Responsorial Psalm. I did not actually hear the voice, but I could not read the words without hearing them in a booming, deep Polish voice.
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