Catholic Church

October 22, 2018

Matt Fradd: The Importance of Truth, Goodness, and Beauty (Video)

By Matt Fradd. Ascension Presents - There’s a strange misconception we have these days when it comes to our perception of truth, goodness, and beauty. We acknowledge their importance in life, but then we often go on believing they’re relative. This often leads to us settling for things that are not as true, good, and beautiful as they could be….
October 22, 2018

CNA: How St. John Paul II Began His Papacy, 40 Years Ago

Catholic News Agency - On the day (St. John Paul II) began his new mission as Bishop of Rome, Pope John Paul admitted he was “a bishop full of trepidation, conscious of his unworthiness.”... As a self-proclaimed “son of Poland,” John Paul was the first non-Italian pope in more than 400 years. In this moment, as he took over the See of Peter, he proclaimed that the unbroken tradition of the papacy had made him a Roman, too... “Inscrutable is the design of Divine Providence!” he said. “How could one not tremble before the greatness of this call and before the universal mission of this See of Rome!”
October 22, 2018

St. Catherine of Siena on the Agony in the Garden

By Br. Raymond La Grange, O.P.,m Catholic Exchange - There are many fascinating stories about St. Catherine of Siena. She once almost got her head cut off. Another time, she caught the head of someone else just after it was cut off. Jesus literally removed her heart and replaced it with is own; she had the scars to prove it. Demons obeyed her. Popes sought her counsel. Jesus taught her to write.
October 22, 2018

Ambassador Nikki Haley: ‘It Would Be Tragic’ If Abuse Scandal Blinds People to Catholic Church’s ‘Good Works’

By Melanie Arter, CNSNews - During her keynote speech at the Alfred E. Smith Memorial Dinner on Thursday, UN Ambassador Nikki Haley said that while the Catholic Church is taking action to address the “moral failing” of the sexual abuse scandal, the church itself is performing miracles each day in places overseas that Haley has seen firsthand... Haley said the issue of sexual abuse is one that affects not just the Catholic family, but the American family....
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