Catholic Church

August 30, 2022

Catholics Have Been Betrayed by the Vatican’s Allegiance to Secular COVID Authorities, by Alan B. Moy, MD

By Alan B. Moy, MD, LifeSiteNews - While it is understandable that His Holiness would lack the necessary scientific and medical expertise to confront a pandemic, it raises the obvious question of who is advising the Pope and the Church hierarchy on matters of science and bioethics and to accept and promote secular public health positions. Within the Catholic Church there are three Pontifical Academies that advise the Pope on matters of science and faith and how that science should interface with Catholic teaching: the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, the Pontifical Academy for Life, and the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
August 30, 2022

Abp. Viganò: Globalist Doctrine is Essentially ‘Satanic’; We Must ‘Rebuild’ Christendom

By Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, LifeSiteNews - Be sure: the New World Order will not prevail... Nor will prevail the apostasy which afflicts the Catholic Hierarchy, now the servant of the world: the sowers of discord and error who infest our churches will inexorably die out, leaving empty the cathedrals and churches, and the convents and seminaries which they occupied sixty years ago with the false promise of the conciliar spring. Because behind it all there is always the fraud and malice of the Liar.
August 30, 2022

“A Dereliction of Paternal Duty…” Open Letter to Bishop of Arlington, by Michael and Christine DeSimone

By  Michael and Christine DeSimone, The Remant - The purpose of this letter is to explain the reasons why our monthly contribution to the parish has been cancelled... We believe that the new restriction on the Latin Mass in the diocese of Arlington is not the act of a true spiritual father and will ultimately be to the detriment of souls.
August 30, 2022

The Destruction of American Catholic Identity, by Casey Chalk

By Casey Chalk, The Catholic Thing - American Catholics made a trade. You may not be aware of it or have personally participated in it. But it’s likely, if you’re a Catholic living in the United States in 2022 reading this, you feel its effects (and benefits). And though it may sound bleak, the trade more-or-less destroyed the American Catholic identity familiar to those living just a couple of generations ago.
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