Catholic Church

November 18, 2022

Viral Video Opens Eyes and Hearts to Sacrifice of Christ and the Mass, by Sarah Robsdottir

By Sarah Robsdottir, EWTN News - “The sacrifice of Christ and the sacrifice of the Eucharist are one single sacrifice. ... And since in this divine sacrifice which is celebrated in the Mass, the same Christ who offered himself once in a bloody manner on the altar of the cross is contained and is offered in an unbloody manner ... this sacrifice is truly propitiatory.” (CCC 1367)
November 17, 2022

CatholicVote: 18 Catholics in the Senate Voted to Redefine Marriage

By CatholicVote - By CatholicVote - The Senate on Wednesday advanced the “Respect for Marriage Act” in a 62-37 vote, with 12 Republicans joining all Democrats in ending a filibuster and moving the bill forward. Final passage of the bill is expected next week... CatholicVote’s Catholic Accountability Project team noted the number of Catholic politicians who supported the bill, including three Catholic Republicans and all 15 Democrats who claim to be Catholic. Those names are below.
November 17, 2022

Leftists Bully Bishop, by Nicholas Wylie

By Nicholas Wylie, Church Militant - (Nov. 2021) Bp. Strickland: "I can't remain silent as too many in our nation and our world vigorously promote abortion. I must speak for the babies. The murder of unborn children is the preeminent issue and it leads to many other evils."... Bishop Strickland has been one of the most outspoken prelates on the preeminence of abortion relative to other issues.
November 17, 2022

Choosing to Live Gratefully, by Randy Hain

By Randy Hain, Integrated Catholic - As we approach Thanksgiving, remember that gratitude is not the act of a single day but an approach to life. When you consider how to go about living your life and interacting with those you encounter each day, why not choose the gratitude approach? Make the commitment and watch your life absolutely change for the better... Live gratefully and you will never regret it.
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