Catholic Church

October 31, 2018

Phil Lawler: Why Are They Leaving Honduras, Cardinal Maradiaga?

By Phil Lawler, Catholic Culture - Why are thousands of people willing to leave their homes in Honduras and walk 1,500 miles to reach the US border, knowing full well that they can’t enter Texas legally?... The answer, according to a spokesman for migrants, is simple: “hunger and death.” The people in the migrant caravan might look to the US as a land of milk and honey. But they also see their own homeland as a nation without a future.
October 31, 2018

Fr. William Saunders: The Origins of Halloween & All Saints Day

By Fr. William Saunders, Catholic Exchange - Let us first address the feast of All Saints. The exact origins of this celebration are uncertain, although, after the legalization of Christianity in A.D. 313, a common commemoration of the saints, especially the martyrs, appeared in various areas throughout the Church.
October 31, 2018

If Catholic Bishops Change Their Weak Approach to Politics, We Can Defeat the Culture of Death

By Patrick Yanke, LifeSiteNews - The Democratic Party has been the champion of the culture of death for more than 45 years since Roe v. Wade. With their sponsorship, American culture has embraced in varying measures abortion, euthanasia, embryonic stem cell research, and homosexual “marriage.”… Throughout this time, the bishops of the Catholic Church in America have proclaimed a moral silence on this truth to avoid meddling in politics. Is it any wonder Western Civilization is crumbling in moral decay?
October 30, 2018

Archbishop Charles J. Chaput: Synod 2018: Some Concluding Thoughts

By Charles J. Chaput, First Things - On the issue of sexual abuse of minors: There was some good discussion [by the synod fathers] of the issue, though not enough, and the final synod document is frankly inadequate and disappointing on the abuse matter. Church leaders outside the United States and a few other countries dealing with the problem clearly don’t understand its scope and gravity. There’s very little sense of heartfelt apology in the text.
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