Catholic Church

March 14, 2024

The Catholic Answer to the Longing for ‘Wellness’, by Rebecca Wilson

By Rebecca Wilson, EWTN News - The concept of “wellness” is ever growing in popularity, with many podcasts, workouts, diets and more trying to address the issue. In the U.S. alone, the wellness industry is valued at close to $1.2 trillion. This raises the question: Why? There must be something about “wellness” that is so attractive, that speaks to a deep human desire. More importantly, if we are created in the image and likeness of God, with a beautiful integration of body and soul, how do we as Catholics respond to the concept of “wellness?”
March 14, 2024

Fr. Jerry Pokorsky: Nicodemus Survival Tactics

By Fr. Jerry Pokorsky, Catholic Culture - We’ve seen the bumper sticker: “COEXIST.” Like “diversity, equity, and inclusion,” it’s hard to argue with the aspiration. But the slogans are purposely ambiguous and blur the distinction between good and evil. The proponents expect believers to surrender to their Godless secular religion. The survival tactics of Nicodemus help us navigate a politically correct hostile environment... Nicodemus appears several times in the Gospel of St. John. ...
March 14, 2024

Deacon Michael Bickerstaff: Only In Christ Can We Be Cleansed

By Deacon Michael Bickerstaff,  Integrated Catholic Life - CLEANSING THE TEMPLE IN OUR SOULS - By His life, passion, death, and resurrection, Jesus mediated a New and Everlasting Covenant in which He formed the Church – the Family of God. He restored us to new life, a share in the Divine Life, a life of grace through faith in which we can truly live and worship according to the design of God. He provides grace sufficient for an authentic, satisfying life, fully lived.
March 14, 2024

A Sumptuous Meal During Lent, by Hans Boersma

By Hans Boersma, First Things - The Lord is into feeding his people. He does it time and again. Each time, he tests them with an impossible situation. Each time, there is a realist failing the test in unbelief—Moses, Gehazi, Philip and Andrew. And each time, the Lord performs a feeding miracle, so that people end up being stuffed... These stories may hardly seem appropriate for Lent. When we are in the middle of fasting, we do not need stories of sumptuous meals. Fair enough, except John’s account of the feeding of the five thousand itself reminds us that it is Lent: “And the passover, a feast of the Jews, was nigh.”
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