Catholic Church

August 31, 2017

Of Cell Phones, Sanctity, and Cervical Spines: A Marian Range of Motion

By Rick Becker, National Catholic Register - It sounds like fake news, but it’s not: Cell phones affect your brain even when they’re turned off.. And it’s not a good effect. “Even if a phone’s out of sight in a bag, even if it’s set to silent, even if it’s powered off,” writes Robinson Meyer in The Atlantic, “its mere presence will reduce someone’s working memory and problem-solving skills.”
August 31, 2017

In An Age of Statue-Smashing, Catholics Must Defend Our Sacred Images

By Fr Alexander Lucie-Smith, Catholic Herlad - And so it comes to pass that a Catholic school in California decides to remove various Catholic statues, because these might be construed as somehow alienating people who are not Catholic, as this magazine reports... Catholic symbols are not symbols of exclusivity, but of inclusivity...
August 31, 2017

Made for the Happiness Found in the Beatitudes

By Constance T. Hull, Catholic Exchange - We are made for happiness. At the deepest level of our existence, God has made us to be happy. This happiness, we must remember, comes from God alone. He created us to find our total and complete joy within the Blessed Trinity. Everything else we experience in our daily lives is a shadow of the love and joy we will be filled with
August 30, 2017

Peter Kreeft: The Benefits of Belief with Video

By Peter Kreeft, Catholic Education Resource Center - If God exists, love is the nature of an eternal reality.  If there is no God, love is just a fleeting feeling, no more than a bunch of chemical and neurological interactions.
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