Jeanie Hannaman

January 11, 2020

Ilhan Omar Slams Pro-Life Christians: They’re “Trying to Impose Their Beliefs on Society”, by Micaiah Bilger

By Micaiah Bilger, LifeNews - Minnesota Congresswoman Ilhan Omar slammed pro-life Christians for “trying to impose their beliefs on society” while she herself advocates for aborting unborn babies and forcing taxpayers to fund abortions… Omar spoke out against pro-life legislation on the House floor last year… “Religious fundamentalists are currently trying to manipulate the State laws in order to impose their beliefs on an entire society, all with complete disregard for voices and the rights of American women,” she said May 22… A pro-abortion Democrat, she described pro-life Christians as hypocrites who just want to control women.
January 10, 2020

Pope Renews Call for Global Pact Promoting ‘New Humanism’ in Address to Vatican Diplomats, by Diane Montagna

By Diane Montagna, LifeSiteNews - “For this reason,” the Pope continued, “I have planned a worldwide event to take place on 14 May next with the theme: Reinventing the Global Compact on Education.”… When he launched the initiative last September, Pope Francis said that “a global educational pact is needed to educate us in universal solidarity and a new humanism.”… A Vatican-backed website to promote the pact added: “Educating young people in fraternity, in learning to overcome divisions and conflicts, promote hospitality, justice and peace: Pope Francis has invited everyone who cares about the education of the young generation to sign a Global Pact, to create a global change of mentality through education.”
January 10, 2020

Fr. Raymond de Souza: We Used to Believe Bishops Told the Truth. What Happened?

By Fr. Raymond de Souza, Catholic Herald - The impact on the credibility of bishops has been significant. Cardinal Wuerl’s successor in Washington, Archbishop Wilton Gregory, felt constrained to begin his ministry with a promise to tell the truth, previously assumed to the case for a bishop. It is not assumed any longer… It is not hard to find priests – to say nothing of journalists – who are inclined not to believe anything their bishops say without corroboration. And bishops know it, which is why reviews of diocesan files are entrusted to law firms, or retired judges, or former law enforcement personnel… Any data provided by a bishop is suspect without independent verification.
January 10, 2020

Operation Rescue: New Survey: Since 2013, 367 Abortion Facilities Closed!

By Cheryl Sullenger, Operation Rescue - A total of 36 abortion facilities closed nationwide in 2019, according to a survey of every abortion facility in the U.S. conducted by Operation Rescue… While the number of closures shows that in certain areas, abortion suppliers have outstripped the demand, as abortion numbers and rates continue to drop nationwide, according to the Center for Disease Control… Other noteworthy facts were revealed by Operation Rescue’s survey… Since 2013, 367 surgical abortion facilities have permanently closed.
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