By Dorothy Cummings McLean, LifeSiteNews - Of all the testimony against Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, the most heartbreaking has come from a now-60-year-old man who was baptized by the abusive cleric. Known only as “James,” the New Jersey native now has a message for anyone keeping the Cardinal’s dirty secrets: “...What is so important that you are afraid to lose? Why do you believe that you are more important than so many other lives? Why can’t you just let us all know what you know?
“Whoever hears the word and understands it” Author Don Schwager – Scripture: Matthew 13:18-23 18 “Hear then the parable of the sower. 19 When any one hears the word of […]
By Franciscan Media Blessed Antonio Lucci’s Story – Antonio studied with and was a friend of Saint Francesco Antonio Fasani, who after Antonio Lucci’s death, testified at the diocesan […]
“Harmony, liberal intercourse with all Nations, are recommended by policy, humanity and interest. But even our Commercial policy should hold an equal and impartial hand: neither […]