Jeanie Hannaman

September 19, 2019

New Petition Asks President Trump to Help ‘Make the Family Great Again’, by Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse

By Jennifer Roback Morse, LifeSiteNews - Advocates of “unalienable rights,” or “inalienable rights” of the kind found in the US Declaration of Independence, ground their understanding of rights in undeniable and universal truths about the human condition. This is a basic starting point of natural law thinking… Sexual revolutionaries sneer at natural rights and natural law, treating these as self-evidently terms of derision. They seem to think that anything using the word “natural” is a strictly theological concept… But, advocates of the Sexual Revolution often use an expansive understanding of “human rights” to promote their values and visions. Describing “marriage equality” as a “human right” allows them to sidestep the many troubling consequences of redefining marriage. Labeling abortion as a “human right” puts defenders of the unborn on the defensive.
September 19, 2019

Does the Religious Left Know What Lenin Said About Christians and Socialism? by Dr. Paul Kengor

By Dr. Paul Kengor, The Stream - Socialism is, in Marxist theory, the final transitionary step to communism… Here today, I’ll offer merely a snapshot from Vladimir Lenin himself — who, for the record, was a Social Democrat… And what did Lenin say about religion? “Religion is opium for the people,” wrote Lenin in December 1905, echoing his hero, Karl Marx. “Religion is a sort of spiritual booze.”… Sticking to this 1905 statement, Lenin saw socialism as incompatible with religious belief: “Everyone must be absolutely free to … be an atheist, which every socialist is, as a rule.” He declared: “Complete separation of Church and State is what the socialist proletariat demands of the modern state and the modern church.”
September 19, 2019

To Restore Integrity: Newman’s Idea of Education, by Patrick Reilly

By Patrick Reilly, The Catholic Thing - Newman looked to faithful Catholic education for the repair of the human person, which had been disintegrated by original sin. In his fascinating 1856 sermon at the University Church in Dublin, Newman lamented that we tend to focus on knowledge to the exclusion of morality – or conversely, on morality without regard for sound reasoning. Each person’s soul is subject to conflicting appeals of intellect, conscience, passion, and appetite, all “warring in his own breast” and each trying “to get possession of him.”
September 19, 2019

Fr. Raymond J. de Souza: Threat of Schism Comes From Germany, Not United States

By Father Raymond J. de Souza, National Catholic Register - The danger of schism, if present anywhere, comes, instead, from Germany, where there is little public criticism at all. Nevertheless, the German episcopate — not journalists and commentators — is in open defiance of the Holy Father’s express wishes, led by Cardinal Reinhard Marx of Munich, who is one of the closest advisers to Pope Francis, one of six members of the council of cardinals, and chairman of the Vatican’s economic council… The German bishops have proposed a “binding” national synod involving bishops and lay associations, which will examine questions such as married clergy and sexual morality.
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